Newton G Legends

Team Details
Newton Girls Soccer Legends is a member of Girls 5 3/A
The team ID is 32071
The team color is Orange & White
The team home field is NEG Weeks B
Team Standings
WLTFPTSGFGA+/-Home WHome LHome THome GFHome GAAway WAway LAway TAway GFAway GA
Team Schedule
Game WkGame #Game TimeFieldHome TeamScoreAway TeamNotes
130929/7/24 11:45amFriends 1 (9v9)Foxboro Warriors 5G-Blue5 - 0Newton G Legends
230959/14/24 8:30amWeeks ANewton G LegendsF - 1Canton Girls Grade 5 ArsenalYes - forfeit; newton no showed; refs said to score is like this; DD changed to HF
330999/21/24 11:45amEsposito Realty Group Field - 1BMansfield Hornets II0 - 5Newton G Legends
431009/28/24 11:30amPond Street Field B1King Philip FIRE1 - 2Newton G Legends
5310410/5/24 11:30amWeeks BNewton G Legends1 - 4Milford-Hopedale Sharks
6310711/3/24 3:00pmWeeks BNewton G Legends1 - 1Foxboro Warriors 5G-Blue
7311110/19/24 11:45amGunning (Windsor Woods) 9v9 FieldCanton Girls Grade 5 Arsenal3 - 2Newton G Legends
8311410/26/24 11:30amWeeks BNewton G Legends2 - 0Mansfield Hornets II
9311611/2/24 11:30amBrown / Oak Hill DNewton G Legends1 - 2King Philip FIRE
10311911/9/24 11:45amWoodland School 9v9 TurfMilford-Hopedale Sharks2 - 2Newton G Legends
Coaching Staff
Assistant Coach: Edward Hunter
Organization Members
Club PresidentNicolas NestaRequires LoginContact
Club RegistrarMarysol Masse MakimuraRequires LoginContact
Referee AssignorIoannis KyratzoglouRequires LoginContact
Field SchedulerBarry ElliottRequires LoginContact
Club BAYS RepresentativeBarry ElliottRequires LoginContact
Club DirectorShaun McBrienRequires LoginContact
Boys DirectorRequires Login
Girls DirectorDevon WellesRequires LoginContact